Tuesday, October 29, 2013

POEM - The Flat Tire Made my Night

The flat tire of morning
Was too much to handle
So it became the flat tire of evening
And with the sun still up
The missing tools found
And music blaring
From the work shop stereo
It went much better

During the home stretch
After a brief family dinner
When everyone came out
To hang with me in the yard
And sit around
Or run with the dogs
All enjoying in different ways
The temperate Fall weather
We found ourselves serenaded
By a flock of gray geese
Noisily migrating over head

When things are that perfect
You stop for a minute
In love with nature
As it surrounds you
Entertains and amazes

But then it’s back to changing the tire
And I’m glad the spare is good
As I clean up the tools
And store the flat tire
In the vacancy left by the spare
My youngest cranks the handle
That lifts the tire
Up under the car
And I did it all without being cranky
And everyone helped
And some days all it takes
Is good weather
And the family close by
All working together
To make a good evening

Out of a flat tire

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