Saturday, October 12, 2013

POEM - The Troll at the Party

I found out I’m the mean one
And I’m not changing
It’s my penance
For a life lived
Closer to the edge
Than my mother would have liked

This is how I found out
We are out at the youth activity
It is a lovely clear night
And everything is great
The barbecue was some of the best I’ve had
The company is good
Along with the conversation
Then it happens
As dusk begins to fall
Little groups of miscreants
Try to sneak across the tiny bridge
Stroll around the far side of the pond
Away from those pesky chaperones

I totally understand
And I remember well trying the same thing
And more importantly
I remember why I tried it
Which is why I have to chase them down
Use my big mean voice
Alert them to their indiscretion
That will not be allowed to proceed
Because they are not discreet
Nor invisible
Nor did they count on this guy being around

So while the other adults are occupied
Chatting up their cronies
Relaxing in their distraction
I’m huffing off after the free radicals
Propelled by my overdone sense of obligation
The one that has been growing lately
And making me get up and do stuff

I was happy being the happy guy
Relaxing and chilling
Cracking jokes and leaving that work
The work of responsibility
To some other schmuck

But now I’m that schmuck
And my wife says next year
They’ll probably just have me sit under the bridge
Scare those who dare to cross
With my troll voice full of ruff and gruff
Oozing my undying reticence
For those hated Billy goats
Who got the better of me, once
My senses now sharpened
Through the raw determination
To let not another sneak

Ever get my goat again

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