Sunday, October 06, 2013

POEM - My Happy Place

My happy place is beside you laying in your lap as the TV flickers on
We watch and settle our bones down into the soft bed
The back of my neck is supported just right on your leg
As you stroke my hear and silently communicate little thoughts
This is sweet nothings whispered on the tips of fingers

Kids asleep
House silent
A/C blowing
Night advancing

And all the troubles of the day fall off my shoulders
The tension that kept me alert of all the dangers and duties around
So that I never relax or let my guard down or let the chores go undone
Fix the handles on the door and organize my tools and replace the bulbs
When I should have been taking a short nap this afternoon
Only the solace of these moments alone with you can release all of that
Make me lazy and melancholy in all the right ways
So that sleep can work its restorative charms for another night

Sheet smoothed
Pillows fluffed
Blankets arranged
You and I
Peace and calm
Hugs and kisses
And sufficient enough
Was the day
To let it go
To wind and water
Dreams and mermaids

Settling and solace

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