Sunday, October 20, 2013

POEM - The Fun Mom

I feel bad
For my younger brothers
Because I had the fun mom
Back when she was young
Liked to run around
Was up and active and playful

Even in Tucson
We had fun days
But Tucson was the end
When she got Valley Fever
And got tired
And frustrated
Because she couldn’t do
Like the do she used to

So I had a different childhood
All to myself
Because I would hang out with mom
And sister went with dad
Because he could handle her
Or she was doing homework
Or being in school
While mom and I would ditch
Play hooky and go shopping
Maybe we’d hit the fabric store
Or stop by dad’s office
Possibly get some treats
Maybe pay some bills
It didn’t really matter

So, I apologize
Though it wasn’t my doing

But I got the fun mom

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