Friday, October 18, 2013

POEM - The Litmus of Poetry

He seemed deep enough
Our conversations
They consisted of more
Than curse words and objectification
And call it what you will
A litmus test
A picture of a boa constrictor
Swallowing an elephant
A weighing of character
But I put him to the test

My gauge
My standard
Is found in poetry
Can this person read poetry
Do they understand it
Will they even try

I offered a copy of my work
A thin book
He said he liked to read
Had some philosophical ruminations
Was kind and generous
He opened the cover
And balked

So I put the poetry away
Next to pictures of boa constrictors and elephants
And took a step back
Kept it on a friendly level
He never noticed
The awkward moment
Was mine alone
The sadness mine as well
As outside in the arid desert
I swear I glimpsed a fox
            In deep discussion

With an incredibly vain rose

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