Wednesday, October 02, 2013

POEM - The Mountains are Sweet and Creamy Today

These are green mountains
Flecked with angular black stones
Piled in high rounded peaks
Chilly and smooth
They sit motionless
As mountains often do
But there are other forces at work
As slowly
            Ever so slowly
The slopes begin to sag
Green rivulets form
And run headlong to hidden alcoves
Only to fill up the empty spaces
Until the green mountains devolve
Into a black flecked
            Mint green

I should have eaten this long ago
When the creamy goodness
Still gave resistance
When I stuck my spoon in just so
Now the spoon is unnecessary
As I heft the white porcelain bowl
And drip the mint chocolate chip slurry
Dejectedly down my distracted gullet

Once upon a time
I was a diligent ice cream eater
Able to construct the perfect bowl
Then dismantle it
Quickly and precisely
Before the melt became pervasive

Even when I intentionally softened
As is required in some situations
Like sprinkling Ovaltine on vanilla
You have to mix it in
So that each spoonful
Is the perfect blend
Of crunchy chocolate powder
And creamy frozen confection
But it is still a hearty spoonful
Not this drippy mess before me

So I sip on
Not entirely upset
It is in the end still a delicious treat
But lessons were learned
About timing and priorities
And I know that I must demand
During all future distributions
That the world must stop
Just for a few sweet moments
So that ice cream can be enjoyed

And bliss can be found

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