Sunday, June 02, 2013

POEM - Call of the Taco Salad

The presence of the woven wood bowl
Meant one of two things
We were popping popcorn
Or it was taco salad for dinner

More often it was taco salad
A dish filled with satisfaction
A dish known to trigger a chain reaction
A theoretical impossibility
That occurred with eerie regularity

It was a given in my family
That once this dish was prepared
A psychic link was activated
Between us and my uncle’s family
And without ever a word of invitation
They would miraculously appear

I have tried to recreate the phenomenon
Hoping that it would generate visitors
That the right combination
Would draw the unsuspecting
On a journey to our door
To share hospitality and sociality
My experiments have born no fruit

For years I thought something was missing
I had become expert at picking ingredients
The nice, crisp head of lettuce
Expertly seasoned ground beef
Sliced olives and dark red kidney beans
Perfectly ripe avocados
A healthy accent of grated cheddar
And I even would include the tomatoes

Of course I would never forget
Everyone’s favorite ingredient
Doritos corn chips
Nacho flavored these days
Which I thought might be the key
Part of the mystery of what was wrong

But then one day hope was restored
The retro fad had come to my aid
The Doritos Taco flavor returned
It made a big difference
Completed the taste
Utterly failed to generate visitors

I still love this meal
Even able to get my fill
Now that I am older
Now that I can make all that I want
Now that last minute visitors
Have ceased invading
Effectively consuming the food
That should have been my thirds

In the end I’m glad it doesn't work
I’m pretty sure I know why
I even called my mom the other day
Told her to take my name off the old wood bowl
Give it to one of my siblings
Who doesn't like taco salad

As much as I do!

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