Wednesday, June 26, 2013

POEM - Firefly Comes to Visit

Half asleep I heard you talking
Saying something about fireflies
You could see them
Just outside the window
Every so often

I rolled over to look
I didn’t see fireflies
I saw the lit up neighbor’s yard
Glimpsed a corner of the full moon
Saw a reflection of the closet light
Everything except lighting bugs
So I rolled back over
Let you have this one
Something for yourself
I knew you were having trouble
Couldn’t make yourself sleep
Now you had lights to count
One dancing fairy
Sitting on my window
Two dancing fairies
Spinning past outside

Maybe you will get lucky
Your dreams will dwell on this
The flashing biochemical tails
Flickering on and off
            In a determined pattern
Will trigger a deep sleep
And in the recesses of slumber
The bright bugs will communicate

They want you to know
They appreciate you
And the nice children you raised
You helped their friend
Just the other night
The spider would have gotten him for sure
But you helped first
So they borrowed your dreams
For a few moments

To say thank you

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