Friday, June 14, 2013

POEM - The Little Girl Leaves Home

Since I’ve known you
I’ve learned a lot
Before you I was just a person
Married to this lady over here
When you came along
We became new creatures
New weird, scared, tired, nervous animals
Who worried when you slept softly
Got told sixteen different ways
To make sure you slept right

We got the sleeping one right
Or rather, you learned that lesson
Maybe a little too well
I think among your friends
Your bed ranks fairly high
We had to pinch you as a baby
Just so you’d wake up to eat
That was all yesterday

Today we got a letter in the mail
It said you are leaving
Going away for awhile
On your own without us
Without the creatures you made

And I’m not really sure you can
I think you probably need help
Someone to wipe your face
Cut your waffles and pour your milk
Make sure you don’t scrunch your dress
Make eye contact and smile
Say please and thank you
And excuse me when you burp

I don’t think I’m allowed to though
This is something you do alone
It’s when you are alone
That you end up growing up
Your turn to become a new creature
One of many you will become

So get ready and go
Head out the door
Jump on the plane
Meet the world
Share your smile
And your goofy ways
You can leave your pets behind
We know how to feed ourselves now

And we hardly ever mess in the yard

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