Saturday, June 15, 2013

POEM - The Cat Behind the Poet

Everywhere I read
In this long list of poems
There are cats
Popping up in text and title
They might be sitting in windows
Lazily watching a buzzing fly
The cat swats at the fly
Half-heartedly to pass time
Not out of anger toward the buzzing pest
The cat does it because it is a cat
That is what cats do

Over here there is a cat
Watching something imperceptible
As the poet leans back
Trying to catch a glimpse
Perceive what is so captivating
The poet sees nothing
It is something only real to a feline
Only visible on a plane of existence
A little higher than the humans

One of my favorite authors has an office cat
It helps him write
            So he claims
Sits behind him
In the small of his back
Makes him really lean into his work

Maybe I should get a cat of my own
There is a ready assortment out back
There always is in the country
This is where they spawn from
The portal between our worlds
Waxes thin in the rural air

But I can’t have a cat!
The mere thought is absurd
I’m never home long enough
A cat would never allow it
Such absence and neglect
And would it sit behind me too
            Let me lean back against it
Feel the soothing tremor of a purr
            The slight claw prick of encouragement

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