Sunday, June 09, 2013

POEM - The Peugeot Diaries

When we built our home in Tucson
The whole project was a family affair
Uncle Kim came down to design it
A two story structure
Based on the Roman Cross style
Uncle Ron then took over as contractor
I spent hours of my free time
Cleaning up construction clutter

By summer I was ready for a break
We were in the finishing stages
Not everyone could get away
So my sister and I were sent
To be representatives for the Masons
At the Steadman family reunion

This year it was Flaming Gorge
At the cabin great grandpa had built
Uncle Kim had started driving the Peugeot
That grandpa had bought on a whim
Actually a better fit for my uncle
He spoke French like a native
I think the car knew it too

We drove off feeling a little older
Trusted to run off by ourselves
Have a little more freedom
Than the rest of our cousins
The first leg landed us in Flagstaff
To dine at Little America
Sitting in the corner booth
I tried to get the mustard out of the bottle
Forgot to tighten the lid
Cassie ended up covered in yellow
Kim started to question volunteering

Cleaned up and fed we headed north
Made it to the Utah border
Crashed at the first motel we could find
The morning light revealed too much
The melted ice from the night before
Left a nasty gray film in the ice bucket
We survived, but just barely

The rest of the trip was less eventful
We made our way through tons of music
Listened to Suzanne Vega a few times
Got to Flaming Gorge
Arrived in the middle of the night
Stunned by the brightness of the Milky Way
So thick you could barely find a space
That didn’t have a star flickering away

Enjoyed the tubing and the cousins
Grandparents, aunts and uncles
Games around the table
Talking away the night
And everything else a family reunion is

Went a different way home to avoid the motel
Rode shotgun nearly the whole way
Made it almost all the way back to Tucson
Before I argued once too often
Said something mean
Got banished to the back seat
Kim might not have known it
But that was a record for us
Normally we didn’t make it out of town
Before Cassie and I got yelled at

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