Tuesday, June 18, 2013

POEM - Car Trip

Two sets of droopy eyes
            Hover over open, whining mouths
Droning on in an endless chant
A constant question
From weary young passengers
Pertaining to our position
            And relative proximity
Of this vehicle
To the desired destination

At this age there is no concept
            Of time . . .
            Of distance
Only the moment
            And how they feel
And how at this instance
Their boredom is reaching
            What seems to them
Levels of intolerability
            Never before endured
By any other child.

There have been a few too many stories
Told by dad of his youth
A few too many family sing-a-longs
            Of key and full of fake pep
Way, way too many games of Alphabet

Now each brush or wisp of presence
From either sibling
Becomes a declaration of war

And two droopy eyed parents
            Are waiting and hoping for the day
When their kids are grown
The battles over
            And the only remembrance
Of trips in the car
Are phone calls from their children
With tales of a new generation of battles
And new levels of boredom
And somehow the same question emerges
Part of a collective subconscious
Asked again as in days of old

            Are we there yet?

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