Friday, June 21, 2013

POEM - Emporium of Wonder

I shouldn't be this excited
It is a mundane thing
Just a new grocery store
But oh what a store it is
With row after row
Of wondrous bulk
I can barely contain myself

I mean look at this deal
Avocados by the case
Four dozen lovely alligator fruit
For a measly twenty bucks
I feel the need to joyously drown
In a vat of frivolous guacamole

The ecstasy does not cease in produce
Just turn the corner
Walk through the glass doors
To behold a walk-in cooler
The size of a football field
Stacked with chilled delectables
As far as the eye can see
All in mass quantities
Calling to my frugal side
Eggs are great
But ten dozen eggs
For that pittance
It would be wrong
To not take part
In such a fantastic deal!

As I drag myself away
From basking in frigid food paradise
I fumble for my phone
I must disperse the tale
Share my awe and wonderment
I frantically dial my wife
            All I get is voicemail
In a panic I blurt out
            Don’t go to the grocery store!
                        I've found perishable nirvana
            They have sliced provolone!
                        Sliced provolone in bulk I tell you!
            Wait! Wait! You must see to believe! Wait!

She must see to believe
Deals and bargains
Weighed out in percentages
Of the mass of a metric ton

We are going to have to bring the big car
Leave the kids at home
            Fold down all the seats
Ride with boxes in our laps

Might have to beef up the suspension

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