Sunday, June 16, 2013

POEM - June Sixteenth Twenty-Thirteen

I want to write about a day
A day I haven’t yet had
I will guess at a future
Create something ahead of time
I know what is scheduled to happen
It is a semi-holiday this year

I will be asleep on my right side
With my hand tucked into my shirt
            It keeps it from flopping down
                        Getting that extra-numb feeling

I will be half asleep only hearing
My eyes wanting to keep closed
Fighting against shards of light
Passing through the gaping holes
In the intermittently broken venetian blinds
            Bought for three dollars
Worth something far less

I will have one eye open
Roaming around the empty room
Searching for signs of  other life
My olfactory senses will be more alert
Tell me of something cooking
A hint of spice and warm fried air

The droning a/c unit in the window
Blocks the sounds of the house
Lulls me in and out of consciousness
Sings lullabies in a scratchy language
Monotone and hypnotic

When this morning comes it will be Sunday
When we will rise and be lazy
Watch Sunday Morning on the T.V.
Hope for a piece by Mo Rocca
            Feel cultured because we really understand
Shower and shave and dress for church

This Sunday I will watch T.V. in bed
For a little while
Eat my breakfast with a smile
Be waited on by my children
Taken care of by my wife
Look forward to pie at church
Relish the taco salad and ginger ale

Thankful I am not enjoying it alone

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