Thursday, June 27, 2013

POEM - Goose Pond

Lunch time is walking time
Three times a week
There is a pleasant path at work
It circumnavigates a man-made pond
I like to stroll a few times around  
Makes me feel like I've done something
Escaped the business of four walls
For a small communal with nature

Lately I've noticed new residents
Some gray geese have made a home
Spawned a few offspring
Now it seems decided
They will summer here

They make me nervous
As I stride by
As nonchalant as possible
Avoiding eye contact
They raise their heads
Take a break from foraging
To consider my intentions
With those dark murderous eyes

I am not inclined to get involved
In an original version
Of Duck-Duck-Goose
I am afraid the rules they play by
Are more primal
Less about frivolity
More about basic survival

So I am careful how I walk
I make no motion
That might be construed
            By nervous winged parents
I even maintain deathly silence
            Eyes straight ahead
                        Arms folded over my chest
A perfect model of passivity

I seek a peaceful passage here
Never even posturing complaints
Concerning their atrocious manners
As they desecrate the path
With green-black mounds
Of territory defining landmines

It would do no good
To pursue reparations
From these long-necked aquatic denizens
They are adept at revenge

And I am loathe to be their target

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