Monday, June 17, 2013

POEM - Murderous Cur

For the second time this year
Dogs got into the chicken coop
Last time the carnage was unimaginable
At least fifteen dead
Including all the Cuckoo Moran
            Of course the nice birds died
Just two dogs breaking necks
Not even for food
Just killing to kill

This time was more personal
I know these chickens better
What’s worse is I know the dog
We were kind to her
Played with her and fed her
But a dog is a dog
Always looking for a way in
Even when it looks relaxed and lazy

Half of my chickens are gone now
When I came out yesterday
To see the first intrusion
I threw a chair at the dog
It didn’t hit her
But she didn’t come back
At least not that night

Today was a different story
I left for work and she made her move

What matters is that Claire is upset
All she can do is hold the dying bird
Let the tears roll down her face
Spit out dismayed curses
Against the murderous canine

The chicken’s neck is broken
Only mostly so it hangs on
Convulses in Claire’s arms
Violently the hen falls
Flops on the ground
Then the movements stops

I go and grab the shovel
Dig another grave in sandy soil
Next to where the last victims lay
Claire lays the bird gently in the hole
I tell her she is a brave girl
That she is my hero today
Then I cover the grave
Hold her close and walk inside
She says she will be a vet someday
            And she will have lots of chickens
So I can come over and visit them

            Since all of mine keep getting killed

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