Saturday, June 08, 2013

POEM - A Little Traveling Music

What’s your favorite song to sing?
To belt out loud while traveling
The tune you play inside your car
When driving around both near and far

I must take a stand
There are certain things that must be
Driving is nothing
If there are no tunes
There has got to be music

When we were younger it was hard
Sometimes on the open road
The radio just doesn’t work
And we weren’t fancy enough for 8-track
So we would sing
Whatever we could remember
For as long as we could stand it
Tons of Peter, Paul and Mary
            And the obligatory camp songs
That pore old cowboy
            Sure got stomped on the head a lot
I even made up new lines
New awful ways for him to die

When the tape player came
Things got better
I spent hours recording albums
Mixing the songs
Creating the mix tapes
A little Simon and Garfunkel here
Some Blood, Sweat and Tears over there
Carol King, Sgt. Peppers, and The Beach Boys
All added to the sounds of traveling

Then I went to scout camp
With kids much more knowledgeable
In the ways of Rock and Roll
I discovered the Mighty Led Zepplin
Learned what a guitar was capable of
Why drums are the heartbeat of rock
Understood how a few notes
Could inspire a road trip
As “Ramble On” reached my ears
Got into my subconscious
It made “because it’s there”
A good enough reason

And still I have my music
Wherever I go the radio is a must
So I can catch a good song
Feel the rhythm in my soul
Sing along at the top of my lungs

Breath deep and let the chorus fly

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