Thursday, June 20, 2013

POEM - Boys Day Out

Max had been working that week
Helping a friend’s son move
The money he made
Wanted to leave his hands
As quick as possible

We made plans for Saturday
Heading to the city for music
We added a few chores
And brought Ezra along
It became a father and sons trip

We had a list for groceries
Food for Father’s Day weekend
There was the Eagle Scout report
Max had dragged his feet for a year
Received an ultimatum for his efforts
Mom had insisted it be done
Even took away his instruments
But we were still working on it

We reached the record store early
Had an hour to kill
And all of Columbia to explore
So we ran over to the university
Explored the tree shaded grounds
Round the old ivied brick structures
Let Ezra blow off rambunctious energy
As we passed steaming manhole covers
Exotic arboreal arrangements
And the ancient observatory

Then it was time to leave
Head back to Manifest for CDs
Passing the graveyard next to the freeway
Max blurts out he sees a weeping angel
And if you see a weeping angel
You have to stop and look
It must be verified
The Doctor will need to be informed

We went back to make sure
But it was a false alarm
The angel was just reading
Not being menacing at all
Didn't even move once

It was still worth the detour
As we drove around the narrow road
Enjoying the panorama of monuments
We found more than we expected
Ran across a family name
Sitting there like it was waiting for us
A little genealogical serendipity
From our studious angel 

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