Wednesday, June 05, 2013

POEM - Delivering the Sabbath

Another Sunday morning
Overcast like it always is
I awake to the sounds of stirring
I am not the first one up
He is cooking breakfast
Like he does on a Sunday

Mother is sleeping in
She enjoys the days when he cooks
Enjoys the sounds he makes
Humming to himself
A bit of a hymn
A stanza of the latest hit
Something from a musical
Maybe “The Impossible Dream”
Daydreaming for a moment
He has become his hero
A modern Don Quixote
Brandishing his spatula
Against pancake and egg alike

When he catches site of me he stops
He has a smile for me
We are going somewhere today, son
            Just you and me for a little drive.
Would you like to go to the mountains?
What? No church? Why?
Church isn’t always in a building
            God’s creations testify of Him

A cryptic fortune forgotten
In syrup drenched breakfast
But I got the gist of the rest
We were going to the mountains
Going there instead of church
Just dad and I on an errand

On the way I learned the mission
We were going to services
With the girls at camp
We were to bring a message
Break bread and pour water
Impart of the holy sacrament
It was an important task
Disguised in playing hooky

As we drove up the mountain
The car hugged the road
The clouds sunk below us
We slowly ascended with the just rising sun
Greeted by its sultry morning glow
We were joined in this moment
By a graceful local denizen
A deer sprung from the woods
Raced along beside the car
For a moment
Then a little longer
Tension and wonder balanced
On the tensing knuckles at the wheel
Then just as suddenly it turned
Back to the forest
We both would live another day
To see the sun from above the clouds
To sit beside a babbling brook
To hear the whispers of sacred nature

And offer a silent amen to their prayers

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