Monday, June 03, 2013

POEM - Along for the Ride

Away from home can be many things
Sometimes it is a vacation
Ours is more often the journey
Vacations are fine
But getting there is what’s fun
That’s when things can really happen
When plans can explode
Rearrange and settle
Into something wonderfully unexpected
Even if it is bad it is memorable
Vacations are put in storage
Journeys create us

When I was young we drove
Everywhere we went was driving
When it was just my sister and I
My parents would drive just to drive
Or to see something just because
I would tag along where dad went
Be it campouts or youth trips
Church duties or wanderlust
He would make excuses to bring me
Instead of reasons I shouldn’t

It is an enduring idea
I still drive just to drive
Remember reasons to bring company
Make excuses why someone should come
Instead of reasons why they shouldn’t
Forget my worries on the road behind
Enjoy the adventure of the road ahead

On Saturday we went to lunch
All seven of us
Passed at least a hundred places
Never stopped once
Finally made it to the place
35 miles away in Columbia
Every mile a revelation
Good feelings coursed just by being out

During lunch Claire got sick
We didn’t get to go to the movies
Just went back home
A trip some would call a waste
That thought never crossed our minds
It was fun and it was deserved
The morning chores had been done willingly
The afternoon would be better
Because we had spent time traveling
Seeing the world over again
Catching a glimpse in a different light
Loving what happens along the way

When you have no particular place to go

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