Wednesday, June 19, 2013

POEM - With Friends Like You

The pamphlet sitting in the rack
In the grocery store vestibule
Next to the brochure
For Cat Fancy magazine
Was new and irresistible
Broadcast the thick black type
Across the bright yellow paper

I snatched up the prize
Leafed through and found
To my great pleasure
A mail-in interest card
Which of course I would be filling out
Not with my name
But with that of a good friend
Whomever came to mind first
It’s what I do for my friends
To let them know they are special

Just ask Robby about it
If you can distract him
From making out with your mom!
He loves you mother
In all the wrong ways

This point is a confession
I learned it from my mother
I don’t spend a lot of energy
Trying to exact revenge
If I don’t like you
I ignore you
Of course if I like you
I might just pester you
So that your fondest wish
Would be that I didn’t like you
Quite so much

Don’t be dismayed
By your complimentary copy
Of Incontinence Today
When it arrives in 6 to 8 weeks
It’s just a little love note
            Along with the free Depends sample
To show I’m thinking of you
And that I care deeply

About your bladder control

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