Tuesday, June 04, 2013

POEM - Nuclear Reaction

A light rain fell over Portland
Overcast with spots of light
What Oregonians call a nice day
You could almost dry out
On a day as nice as this

I was only six or seven
But I knew today was special
A group of teenagers from church
Were under my dad’s direction
Heading out of Gresham
To the remote town of Rainier
On the shores of the Columbia River

Our route hug the river as we headed north
A meandering route through hills and valleys
Every twisting turn exhilarating
I knew where we were going
But I didn’t really know what it meant
Dad called it the Trojan Nuclear Power Plant
It was the big thing at the time
We even learned about it in school
Safe, clean, efficient nuclear power
Was the tag line we were taught

The plant had a tour
Full of interesting facts
And smiling happy faces
Bathed in glorious nuclear powered light
What I remember most were big displays
And tacky red and orange everything
From the carpet to the walls to the tour guides

We looked around until our eyes hurt
Got our recommended dose of radiation
Got back in the cars
Let our eyes adjust
To colors actually found in nature
Then headed back in the direction of home

On the way home I was rewarded
With riding in the other car
So I could talk to my dad
On the cool CB radio
The radio was fun for a few minutes
But being allowed a solo run
Left a bigger impression

A couple years later I would have a poster
That my dad brought home from work
Of a black and white skull
With nuclear cooling towers for eyes
A left field memento of the trip

Fueling my mushrooming cynicism

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