Friday, June 28, 2013

POEM - The T-shirt Incident

We got the call to come get Vern
There was little explanation given
Just that we needed to come get her
There was an issue
A problem to address

It was a moment
As a parent
When it is hard to be a parent
Hard to side with the adults
Her offense was really mine
She had worn one of my t-shirts
And for some reason
That I guess
            If I had to
                        Could see why
They really didn’t appreciate it

See, I had bought it at Thrash
The punk store in San Bernardino
It was just down the street
From an original Pussy Cat theater
Both were now long gone
The theater because of taste
The other because punk had faded

The shirt was for the band M.O.D.
You know? Method of Destruction
A great thrash band
But that’s not why I bought it
The picture was why I bought it
It was also why we were headed to the school

Really it wasn’t that bad
It was hilarious to me
It had this guy surfing
And then there was this shark
And the shark had a leg
That he had bitten off of the guy
In his mouth
            With blood and tendons showing
                        So, you know, totally gnarly and stuff!
What could possible offend?

Someone got offended
Said something nit-picky
Like it wasn’t appropriate
Or conducive
Or in good taste
Some blah-blah-blah
Charlie Brown teacher
Waa-waa nonsense
I acted like I cared
Gave the right answers
Promised it wouldn’t happen again
Gave Vern a high five at the car

On the way to get ice cream

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