Friday, June 07, 2013

POEM - Look! Venusian Star Ships! They’re Everywhere!

In those days we drove at night
It was the easiest way
Made the trip feel shorter
At least for some of us

Dad would come home from work
Throw some stuff in the car
Then disappear into the bedroom
While we played ourselves to sleep

Somewhere in the middle of the night
We did an assisted sleep walk
From our beds to our assigned seats
Packed into a Pinto station wagon
With a variety of pillows and blankets
Allowing each of us to sleep
In a nearly upright position
It was exciting
Like we were sneaking out
Escaping under the cover of darkness

I would settle into my spot
Nod in and out as we freed ourselves
From the familiar streets of town
Leaving the city lights behind

Once the headlights were alone
With the dark of the highway closing in
I would slowly awake
Just one eye, and then the other
Watch my mom as she gazed ahead
Or made conversation with dad
And then messed with the AM radio
Looking for a station they could stand

I would then take up my favorite spot
Kneeling forward between the front seats
Selfishly enjoying our time together
While my younger siblings slept on behind us

One night the radio picked up a call-in show
With a wide open format
Any crazy idea was fine
Just as long as someone called in
Filled the airwaves with something fantastic
The woman’s voice we heard was sincere
She spoke of  the coming alien invasion
Even warned us where to look
You know when you see a big cloud
            With a very dark bottom
                        Just sort of hanging out by itself?
Those are Venusian Star Ships
                        They’re here planning out an invasion!

As the sun began to rise to our left
A large solitary cloud came into view
We warily watched its ominous hovering
Now understanding its true nature

The lonesome Venusian sentinel
Sent back a stream of reconnaissance
Reported a single brown vehicle below
            Five human occupants: living
                        147 insect passengers: deceased
Heading in a south by southwest direction
Average speed  of 65 miles per hour
            No threat detected

                        Abduction not requested at present

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