Saturday, June 29, 2013

POEM - Just Another Ars Poetica . . .

Sometimes this isn’t as easy as it looks
I try to find something each day
An interesting event
A glimpse or peek into a life
A tidbit, a morsel
Of a bigger story
That I can build on
And then exploit it
Advance the idea
If I am lucky
To an elegant end

Today was one of those days
When things were normal
I had already written something
About the cool store
The trip into the city

So it is 8:30 at night
I’m stuck in my corner
Trying to write something
Create that poem
The one that people like
Talk about over and over

Just writing this gets the juices going
I thought of something good now
But at present I am committed
To this poem
This sad ars poetica
And I am nearly done

The poem about the Buddhists
Will be much better
And when I write about the rooster
The one who was killed
That we called One-Eye Jack
I will craft an epic piece

Or maybe I will tell the other story
About the big salad bowl
Even though Linda said I shouldn’t
She puts up with a lot
Having me expose such secrets
This, she explains, is why no one visits
Yes . . . probably. . . you are right

            I think I will write a poem about that

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