Monday, June 10, 2013

POEM - Eureka! We’re Stuck

Over the river and through the woods
Almost to grandmothers house we go
But the storm closed the road
So we got to crash on the floor
Overnight in the YMCA

It's the chance you take
Driving from Portland to LA
In the end of December

We were lucky it wasn't worse
When we did finally get out
We saw other cars buried in snow banks
But that night we were warm and safe
Unable to find or afford a hotel
Hanging out with a few hundred others
All us have-nots waylaid  together

For us it was already a last ditch trip
We were close to broke
Like we usually were back then
In the student days
I may have been very young
But I knew that we didn't have much

Still, we seemed to make it
Either on charity or pity
And we were able to see family
A couple times a year
Even if half the time it was a debate
Whether our car ran on gas
Or the tank was filled with prayers
I'm not sure Ford got the miles we did
Running on fumes at the test track

But we would get there somehow
To the promise of food and shelter
Some good talk and entertainment
A couple of bucks for the drive home
And a bag full of snacks when we left

As the morning came at the Y
So did word the roads would open
We drove around Eureka
To try and breathe fresh air
Shake off the claustrophobia
Then went out to the highway
To get in line and wait

It was still another couple hours
So we got out and played on the highway
The snow not so bad here
Though we would soon see the pass
Crowded with snow
With barely a lane or two open

As we drove under clouds dark as night
I watched the endless mounds of snow
Saw evidence of less fortunate travelers
Those abandoned cars half hid
Stuck in my head and wrapped up my mind
As a ghost dance beat
Chased us out of the mountains
Snow-blind and chilled to the soul

We found refuge in the City of Angels
From those frozen ghost of Christmas
Stuck back up in the mountains

And lost on the streets of Eureka

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