Saturday, August 24, 2013

POEM - Garrison’s Sneeze

Was gonna write poignantly about sneezes
Air exits with a jolting tingle
At over 200 miles an hour

The tissue strains and billows
Frequently conceding to the greater force
It disintegrates into sloppy gooey knotted confetti

Then I’d dwell a little longer on the spinal alignment
Internal chiropractor with variable results
Throws out the back this time, back into place the next

Let’s not forget the wonderful euphoria of loss
A dizzy high of vacated sinuses and involuntary spasms
Like dancing upside down in a hurricane

It was all so perfect but Garrison Keillor beat me to it
Sure it was prose
                        but it was elegant prose
Exhaustive and conclusive, humorous and insightful

Enough to discourage the attempt
Long enough for a contemplative tickle of thought
To wiggle in fuzzy perfectness around my brain

Waiting in a cerebral dusty corner
Until stirred in to action by the vibration of synapse
Words explode in a scatter on to this page

A wood based product made of sterner stuff
Just strong enough to avoid demolition

Dripping with slimy thoughts intact

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