Saturday, August 31, 2013

POEM - August Abandoned

And so August ends
With the lazy complacency
Of a three day weekend
We have eaten the bad food
Watched too much football
Pondering now and then
What our choices have cost

The Messiah is playing right now
Maybe not a classic end to summer
But it makes me happy
In a melancholy sort of way
I think this rendition is from the mid-sixties
They did a good job
I get the impression they were enjoying it

I am enjoying this weird day
The early morning hemmed in by fog
Followed by a bright sunny day
Interrupted mid afternoon
By a brief deluge of rain
Maybe we could get a windstorm
And a little hail
Possibly an electrical storm
And just make it completely kooky

Not to mention Seamus Heaney died
Don’t worry
I had to look it up too
He was an Irish poet
Whom I thought I recognized
And I did once I saw his work
He translated Beowulf
The definitive version
            Well, it was the version I’ve read
So it must be good
Colleges use it
Or I wouldn’t have read it
Because one only reads Beowulf
When one is forced to

And I write of all this
Because I also have to translate
Make sense of what the summer said
Rearrange the words
Configure the symbols
Defer to the experts
Consult the old masters
And find the final clarity
At the bottom of a porcelain bowl
Having ingested the frigid contents
The ice creams formerly known as
Heavenly Hash and Mint Chocolate Chip

My favorite chorus starts to play
            “For unto us a child is born!
            Unto us a son is given!”
I sing along silently
            Taking the tenor part
As  August winds down to midnight
And the weather changes

Just one more time

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