Wednesday, August 21, 2013

POEM - Theoretical Calculus and the Wormhole of my Misunderstanding

Between the time I quit
My fourth old college try
Taking Philosophy of Physics
Stuck in the shallow end
Timidly aware of depths beyond
Teeming with intellectual sharks
All frantically feeding
On the analytical chum
Of cerebral double talk
Laced with two parts mumbo jumbo,
Three parts theoretical calculus
And all of it funneled down the wormhole
Of my misunderstanding

In the end I understood one concept
A brief two lines of a fifth rate hypothesis
Concerning four trees
And Newton’s fateful apple
Suddenly dropped into my awareness
A miniscule bite
That tasted comprehensible

If a sixth tree appears of similar proportion
Though physically dissimilar in intrinsic aesthetics
The blunt force of postulate A
Compounded annually
Will distract gravity at the sub vector
Such that,
Subject B at event horizon Q
Will virtually erect
Parallel singular lines F and U
As terminus  points

That and a dollar bought me soda and a vacation
3 years in community college limbo
Before college try five gave way
To the success of number six

I had understood one concept
In an unfathomable discipline
An accomplishment sweet enough
To justify a hasty retreat
Before the blood in the water spread

Along the Y axis into oblivion

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