Friday, August 16, 2013

POEM - Bill

Passed out through the fringe of San Francisco
Up the hill to mom's lost brother
Temporarily stationary
Absent nearly my whole life
He rests long enough to be found
A sentinel of the tree encrusted hills
Makes sure civilization never comes home

It feels strange that he was never missed
He was never an element
Never a mention to suggest he should matter
Just an idea that currently lived at odds
With our idea of normal

He had not known normal
Three hits of acid from a friend dropped
Pushed through the other side of his mind one night
My mom stayed through the nightmare aware
Something had changed for Bill
She had opened her mind
As his exploded
And filled back in with demons

So Bill was excused from attending
Gone as he was
Finding his way back
From hidden highways

Didn't help that Nam caught him for a season

Didn't help that drugs caught him longer

The street didn't help
The music didn't help
A cold city after a cold city didn't help

The excused absence let the help come
As so often is, this is what was
In a cabin on the fringe of Frisco
A good woman a new child both so we knew
Much longer wouldn't pass till Bill is present

Not much longer
Maybe one more child maybe
One more step back
And back he stepped in to the family

A visit to grandma at some holiday
Or some summer
Found Bill
And Kathy
And Amber
 And Bridgette and
Six months later the call arrived

Bill took one more step, out

Eldest son returned got right
And fell one last time

As he readied at home for a real job

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