Monday, August 19, 2013

POEM - The Monologue Made Me Do It

If comic books were real
We would all be faced with a dilemma
The problem of who to align with
Whether to support the super heroes
Or become a thug or minion
In support of an evil genius
It is a harder question than it appears
As complex as Superman's disguise
As complicated as Batman's moodiness

We already support different factions  
Groups and organizations in vast array
Some looking like the Justice League
Others like training camp for the Nazis
But even that isn’t enough to decide

We all have to work somewhere
Maybe we are employed by a big industrial company
Only a toxic spill away from vilification
Or perhaps a pharmaceutical company
Committed to absolute eradication
Of some furry pest or creepy bug
When a slight misstep in formulation
Triggers a worldwide wipe out of all gingers
And you were just doing your job
But now you work for the bad guy
And the villagers are at the gate
With pitchforks and Tasers
And suddenly you are a minion
Just to save your own skin

And when you look at it that way
Almost nobody is immune
Completely sure of their ability 
To remain on the side of good
Possibly a few charities
The occasional non-profit do-gooders
Maybe even a church or two
But in a world where Mother Theresa gets bad press
Even these guys aren't a safe bet

I tell you all this because I know
I found out already
Which side I am destined for

I'm going to be a villain

Not a mean, violent one
Just a narcissist  
A full-of-myself gas bag
In love with the sound of my own voice

My daughter let me know this today
She said it was the monologues that did it
It was the one habit the would remain
The qualification I could never surrender
Even if I tried really, really hard
Apparently I don't come off as a strong-silent-type
I’m more the guy you bring along
That will keep the conversation going
At all costs
Even sanity

I really don’t see the problem
There are just so many funny thoughts
Running and banging around my brain
Little scenes to play out
Different voices to try on
Sleepy people to make chuckle
Control to be lost
Milk to be projected form noses
Hysterical, convulsive laughter to incite

And long drawn out explanations to be brilliantly orated!

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