Monday, August 12, 2013

POEM - The Nice Guy Next Door

Police cars were pretending not to surround our house
Edging into the cul-de-sac in a nonchalant way
Dashing down the back alley
Hanging out on the side street
Looking like they thought they were invisible
They were as obvious as the broad daylight
Which shone down this bright afternoon

I heard of the initial encroachment second hand
As my wife described the disconcerting scene
She asked what I had done
Nothing, I swear, I've been here all day
Sitting at my desk
Exerting every effort to stay awake
Have they come up to the house yet?
Everything but that
I think I see one out of their car
The kids are going to be walking home soon
I’m going to go find out
I’ll let you know

The next few nervous minutes ticked by
With just enough tension to keep me mostly alert

The call back was more revealing
Apparently our nice, quiet neighbor
Had gone on a shooting spree
Shot his ex-wife dead at her work
Drove down the road and shot his in-laws
Was now at large, armed and dangerous
I asked if we were safe
The cop said we have a block house
Stay away from the windows
And we should be OK
Helpful . . .

Our neighbor was a nice guy
The first one to talk to us
When we moved in
Our kids played with his son
But there was a darkness
Something that should have been noticed
That night he showed up to talk
About his wife leaving
            Divorce isn't done in Chinese culture
            It just isn't right, she shouldn't have left
            It is bad for our son
            It just isn't done in Chinese culture
I could tell he had a little buzz going
Must be why he confided in me
As the kids played in the house
He shed some light on our dimly lit porch

In the next moment he shook his head
Regained his composure
And invited us over for his son’s birthday
A big celebration
Lots of food
Everyone invited
As if the other conversation never happened

Now we were surrounded
He had done the unthinkable
And I was that guy on the news
Telling everyone how I couldn't believe it
He was a nice guy
The first one to say hello
Our kids played together
He had us over for parties
When his family cleaned out his house
            A large tank of Koi was given to us
I later read that Koi represent perseverance in adversity
            But that is in Japan

In China it just isn't done that way

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