Saturday, August 17, 2013

POEM - Uncle Dan and Clearance Vinyl

I ended up riding in the front seat
Of the car of my cousin's grandparents
With them sitting solemnly in the back
While Uncle Dan drove us to the funeral
A mismatched load of extras
Heading west on I-10 to Yucca Valley
Staring at the window playing the shy teenager

Somehow a tape started to play
A dramatized history
Like one of those old radio shows
Potential for cheesy boredom very high
But as cool as I wanted to be I got sucked in
Dan and me both

After the sadness of the funeral was over
We rushed back to the car
Maybe a little too eagerly
Returning to the entrancing respite
From the tragic and difficult reality outside
And the tape began to play again
Both of us enthusiastically surrendering
To the unfolding drama
Emitting from the speakers

Engulfed in the blissful distraction
We made it back first
Way ahead of everyone else
We changed into play clothes
Waited for a minute
And still no sign of further arrivals
Dan was impatient to sit still
So we ran out on an errand to Target

It was a serendipitous trip
They were clearing out their record stock
Downsizing the less popular offerings
Anything with a hole in the cover was a dollar
Dan made a beeline for the stacks
In no time had a large collection
He threw a few extras on the pile for me
A couple essential albums
Music I needed to own
So I wouldn't wane in the finer things

I gladly accepted the gift
Anxious to hear what was so important

Especially the one Dan said was vital
WAR - Greatest Hits
I soon found out
I was woefully unaware
Just how lacking my education was
When those amazing sounds hit my ears
From the first soulful bass line of All Day Music
To the final notes of the cruising anthem Summer
I was entranced

Over and over and over again I played it
Over 20 years later and it is still spinning
The first album I play

On each new record player

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