Tuesday, August 06, 2013

POEM - Directing Distraction

The syntax of the day left it open for interpretation
Some fashion of weather or whether that sat unsettled
But I couldn't decide for it
Hemmed into my own sack of problems
Painting rooms in soothing shades
For a host of regular demons

The color and the shape and the minutia
Distracting my attention away from minions
Little creative creatures owning my time
Settled into my mind and my fingers
I type away to type them away
Tapping ever harder on unresponsive keys

“That’s an allegory made famous by Frost”
My contemplation suddenly expiring in ice or fire
I exonerate the thought into a dish and burn it
Much to the delight of my visitors
They like the heat of failure
Bathe in the furnace of the defeated creation

A deluge of weather I finally choose to wash the rooms clean 

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