Friday, August 09, 2013

POEM - Just Missed the Wall of Water

Preparing for the hike unaware of danger
Dad's friend from work had come by
He was a Remington painting embodied
An old cow hand who had scraped out a living
            From them thar hills
He was to be our guide into the mountains
Trying to explain some safety measures
But Berg's dad was chiming in too often
Sometimes you can be in a dry wash
And suddenly an eight foot wall of water will come
Wash you right sown the stream
They’ll uncover your corpse
Sometime after Monsoon season
We'll, isn't that pleasant ...

Ed confirmed the possibility
but a pained look crossed his face
He loved those mountains
He knew what was  more dangerous than floods
Was to speak harshly of them
And he was trying to help us have a good time

When the day finally came it was raining
And Berg's dad had to leave the station wagon behind
Because the dry wash was flowing deep
It was no problem for Ed's truck
It had at least a two foot lift on it
But for practical reasons, not show

He rolled into the river
With all of us piled in the back
Billy kept us entertained
With stories the whole way
We were rolling in laughter
Most of the slow drive up the canyon

The next day was the hike to the cliff dwellings
Four miles down the wash that felt like only one
When the path opened and the ruins appeared
We were transfixed by the pure coolness
A sign had been placed at the site
Explaining the dwellings were over 600 years old
Older than our country

From up high among the walls
We could see a clear blue pool of water below
Completely cleaned out of mud and dirt
By some ancient inhabitants
So meticulously constructed
That it still shone bright among the other dark streams

We survived in tact
We were not swept away in a flash flood
The drums of the Ghost Dance were not heard
Injures were minor and infrequent
And the only unpleasant creatures
We're one huge centipede
And a proliferation of barking spiders
Coming from the old man tents

Weeks later back home
All of us were running around the neighborhood
Playing tag or dodge ball
Billy got drenched somehow
Probably from the hose at Rugg's house
He came back seeking refuge
When my mom asked what happened
He said an eight foot wall of water
Had come out of nowhere

Just like Berg's dad had warned

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