Wednesday, August 28, 2013

POEM - The Dust Settles

Lazy summer days have been surrendered
In a furious fortnight of upheaval
As we the procrastinators
Scrambled for the supplies
Assembled necessary raiment
Cobbled together some new kicks  
And scrounged for essential accoutrements
Causing hair to frazzle
Tempers to elevate
Attitudes to decline
And melancholy to ensue

It will be lonely soon
In this house we call home
You get used to the company
All the noise and the action

This year we have added excitement
The eldest is altogether leaving home
Which means extra stuff and hassle
All superfluous activities forgotten
In the rush to get additional things in order
All that she will need when she is transient
Floating in the world out there
Discovering what it means to be herself
Instead of the offspring appendage
To the family body proper

But it is quieting down now
As the oldest has flown away
And the remaining siblings depart
Each morning in various vehicles
To pursue their educations

And you think that some silence is nice
But you start to miss the helpless whelps
Who need you to fix them lunch
Or they will just starve
And might have to interrupt their schedule
Of intensive television watching
Because they need you
Even if they don’t need need you
They come around and talk
Fill the empty void with voices
Disturb the air and swirls the dust
That settles and silently waits
To play and dance

When the children come home again

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