Wednesday, August 14, 2013

POEM - A Better Retirement Plan

Now well into my life
I see that there may be a day
When I am past my employable age
I am deadweight
Expendable and ousted
And the subject comes up

What are we going to do in those years
If we both make it
And are not bedridden
Besides sit and stare at the tube
Casually pass the hours in leisure
Eat small discounted meals at the Waffle House
I become a regular at the barbershop
            Only to get a haircut every third visit
You with your knitting circle
With its hushed gossip and tittering confidences
And we complain all day
            About unpleasant weather
                        Or persistent aches and pains

I never thought of going quietly
Abhor the retirement communities
And their categorical retention
Of factory raised geriatric stock

No, we have other plans

When we leave the 9 to 5
It will be on the back of a Harley
With a camper in tow
On the trail of our favorite band
We are going on the road
Following Cake around the country
Selling sandwiches in the parking lot
To make the ticket price for the next show

In the off season I think we will hit Europe
Pay our stowage as greeters
Work the cruise ship circuit
Get paid to see the great ports of the world
Maybe get jobs as porters on the railways
Dressed up snappy
As the venerable old wait staff couple
With a kind smile and stories to tell

Anything to keep the bones moving
To make the juices flow
We learned from Neil Young
From the song heard in our youth
It is far better to burn out

Than it ever could be to rust

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