Thursday, August 29, 2013

POEM - And Now we Bring You . . . Football!

Just in case you were wondering
Football season started today
And there is a place on the couch
Waiting for my posterior

I don’t know what it is
I get so into it
I blame my dad
And my grandpa
And my dad’s friend from college
That guy especially
He was a lunatic
Screaming and shouting
Jumping up and down
Throwing pillows at the TV

I’m nothing like that
I just shout a little
Which is out of character
But my dad was an active watcher
So it rubbed off on me

But I’m not the addict my brothers are
No pouring over stats
No fantasy football
Just watching whoever is on
I pull for a few favorites
But I can find fun in any game
Especially college football
That’s what Saturdays in fall mean

When I was a kid at my grandparent’s house
They had a wall in the den covered with pictures
But there was one plaque among them
One I would read over and over again
It said, “We interrupt this marriage
            To bring you the football season.”
I didn’t quite get it as a little kid

            As an adult it is a way of life

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