Tuesday, August 27, 2013

POEM - Veronica Flies to SLC

It was the plane change in Dallas
That's what had us worried
Since she was nine she’s been babysitting
Responsible enough to take care of things
Now at the age of nineteen
All we could see was the infant
Sure she would get lost
Went over the map of the terminal
Wrote out all the details on an index card
Thought maybe we should tell the attendant
Just to be sure she knew where she was going

In the end we let it be
Took her to the security line
And then stood back and watched her
Until she disappeared around the corner
Heading to her assigned boarding area

She did fine
Made all the connections
All the flights arrived early
All the departures left on time
An easy, uneventful flight

On the other end friends waited for her
The family that was like her second parents
Eager to participate in her journey
They made her arrival an easy thing
Compensating for our flustered condition
They were cheerful, helpful and happy

When she landed I got the call
Everything was fine
She even sounded a little bored
As if this was an everyday occurrence
Maybe an attempt to quell our worry
Though it is probably just Vern being Vern

Said she was heading to In-n-Out
She knows how to make us jealous
Back home we were able to get comfortable
Remove ourselves from the pins and needles
Break out a relieved smile

Roll our eyes at her nonchalance

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