Saturday, August 10, 2013

POEM - Hey Kid, You Got Big Hair

So kid, whatcha hanging around for
With your hair there
That has its own gravitational pull
It must be so
The way it pulls people in
Attracting attention
I know, I know
You don’t mean to
But I think that, well, you do
A little bit, just a little

You don’t wear a suit to school
On random miscellaneous Thursdays
Without knowing
Just a little bit
People will notice
They are gonna look kid
With that big head
It just draws them in
You weirdo

But we know you
It’s OK
I think we can trust you
That you will use this power for good
Please use it for good
Consider your poor father
I’m gonna have to be at the meetings
When the principle calls
To tell me she has had enough
You have gone too far
You have to be much more famous
Before you can pull stunts like that
Even the Beatles got arrested
When they did the rooftop concert
And you, my friend
Are not the Beatles
No matter how much potential you show

So show some respect
For the power of the hair
Your parents are nervous
The principle is keeping tabs
And your sister can’t stand
That you are taking away
All of the attention
She so carefully cultivated

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