Thursday, August 22, 2013

POEM - That Time we met the Llamas

There was a time when we were a family of three
I know this because Veronica mentions it
Now and then
When her younger siblings are bugging her
I also remember her favorite way to ride in the car
In the middle of the back seat
With Keith on one side
And Dane on the other
Giving her all the attention she could stand

Dane wrote us yesterday
Let us know we were still in her thoughts
That’s how it is with good friends
The years don’t matter
Every time we are together the spaces disappear
Though we are sad the spaces are longer these days
With miles and commitments wedging in between

I wonder if they remember that one trip
It was on a Sunday after church
I had found a map to a trail I had been to
Way back when I was a kid
I thought it would be fun to head up there
Everyone agreed and we piled into the Subaru

The dirt road that led to the trail was long
It was fascinating how many environments we passed through
Washes and desert full of prickly pear and saguaro
Backdrops of rusty red mesas with sheer cliffs
Then it would change to riparian areas and cottonwoods
Then change again as we crawled ever higher
The road got steeper and the scenery more beautiful
Until we reached the last junction and the switchbacks
The road was horrible and we bounced up a while
Until we couldn’t go any further

As we got out to look around
We looked back at all the way we came
It was so vast it distorted your vision
And incredibly breathtaking
As the sun was beginning to set
Turning the mesas from rust to bright copper
The sky spun into streaks of bright pink and orange

We were interrupted by the arrival of a group of hikers
Eight women and two llamas
I think the llamas made Veronica’s day
Keith in his usual way instantly engaged them
Chatted them up and got the details
He was planning the same thing I was
And a few weeks later found us on the same hike

For now it was just a good talk
Then some snacks back at the car
And the long ride home
The sun having surrendered to night
The conversations never surrendered
As our young daughter was lulled to sleep

Ensconced amidst two of her favorite friends

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