Sunday, August 25, 2013

POEM - The Stories that Bind

The drive home I was bleary eyed
Barely in control of my faculties
All of the reflectors shone bright
Looking like pillars of light
Through my tears flooding down my face
As I laughed hysterically

This time it was a good one
Our last weekend all together
Before the eldest child went off alone
Time to leave the nest and venture out
We had been out all day and it was late
Lunch was fantastic but hours ago
Since then we’d endured family photos
Wandered around the old city graveyard
Found a tombstone that made us laugh
All it said was “Hamburger”
We took a picture as we snickered and joked

Later we indulged in hot fudge sundaes
With whipped cream and a cherry on top
Half of the cherries were removed
And placed on top of Ezra’s sundae
It made him remark he had an endless supply

After that we headed to the dollar flicks
To catch a animated something or other
Unfortunately we were in the least renovated theatre
The one with all the old seats
Including the ones that would fold down
And then when sat on release their hold
The one they had on a horizontal orientation
They would suddenly become padded slides
Sending the rider towards suspiciously sticky floors
That started the silliness

The movie was just OK but bearable
The little kid gagging
And then making puke sounds
Directly behind Linda
Was a reason to exit before the credits rolled

When we got to the car we laughed
About the sounds the kid made
The condition of the theatre
And the fun of the day

Then the reminiscence turned more hilarious
As we brought up those terrible stories
The ones that just our immediate family knows
But will never tell another soul
Or else
You heard me Max
Not even at scout camp
You too Josie
These are things we don’t share
And Clair and Ezra and Vern
Forget what you heard
Even the one about grandma
These are special stories
Of things that make my eyes water
In uncontrollable laughter
For the entire twenty miles home
Events that bind a family together
With heavy unbreakable chains
Forever and ever
All the way to the grave

And I’m not kidding!

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