Thursday, August 15, 2013

POEM - Gussy Up for the Guests

Let’s face it
Cleaning house sucks
Who wants to pick up
For no good reason?

That’s why we have parties
I love having people over
Socializing and associating
Chatting about this and that
It’s the only reason I can get behind
To do the good cleaning job
The one where you actually clean
Not just clear pathways through the debris

And it really isn't that hard
shouldn't put it off
But I need a celebration
To put the giddy-up in my go
Make that extra effort
Move out the fridge and the oven
Face the horror of collected slime
Rouge milk caps and cereal bits
Missing toys and hair bands
Somehow forming an impenetrable goo

I mean really
It’s a wonder we aren't sick
I think to myself
As I scrape up the insect speckled ooze
Slop it into the mop bucket
I figure it’s an immunity thing
Built up from incremental exposure
To certifiably toxic materials

I sit back and wipe my brow
Bask in the collecting chemical odor
Steaming off the extra hot water
Signaling a return to cleanliness

But there is no time to rest
The guests are almost here
I can ponder later as I shower
The wonders of the immune system
The inspirational power of incentive
And the composition of the run off
Streaming down in black tinged rivulets
From various parts of my body

As I sing into the pulsating spray of water

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