Monday, December 02, 2013

POEM - Woman, Where Are You?: A Play in Three Acts

Act 1
A phone is ringing
The caller ID tells the story
The tension mounts
Will it be answered?
Will it ever stop ringing?
Will the machine pick up?
Are the messages full?
A look of consternation crosses the woman’s face
            If I don’t pick it up
            The infernal thing
            Will always ring
            Never stopping
            Never conceding
            But if I pick it up
            The voice will always ring
            Never stopping
            Never conceding
            Dear mother
            Please just go away

Act 2
The sun has come out
It is a clear and cool day
The air in the country is clean and refreshing
As told by the look on the woman’s face
The sun baths her in intermittently
As the leaves of the tree blow this way then that
Speckled light dancing across her serene face

I could stay here all day
There is just enough breeze
There is just enough cool
I have just enough time
To really settle in
Maybe if I sit still enough
I’ll just become a part of the scenery
Roots will shoot out of me
Dig into the ground
And support me in a perfect restful pose


Act 3
A deserted city street
The early morning sun has yet to appear
A steamy store window
Offers a blurred Impressionist view
Of the few patrons inside
The woman enters and breathes deep
In thru the nostrils
Taking in the greasy, sweet air
Shelves of pastries fill her vision
As an old donut man approaches

Apple fritter
Make it a double
Hot cocoa
Extra chocolate
Don’t be stingy with whipped cream

You got me, Mister?

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