Saturday, December 21, 2013

POEM - The New House: 1979

It was a new house
On the cul-de-sac
And I was getting my own room
I even got to make choices
Got to pick my own wallpaper
The one that looked like an old map
It seemed adventurous

I was fascinated watching my dad
Pour the concrete for the front walk
He’d let it set for a little bit
Then wash away a top layer
So the walkway was all bumpy
Exposed little pebbles and such
Bane of bare summer feet
But it was cool to look at

My culinary experimentation began
In our new kitchen
It was the first appearance
Of my trademark sandwich
Peanut butter and jelly and mustard and mayonnaise
It was better than you’d think
Probably also the start of a few other things
Like my iron stomach
            My all-flavors-play-lead cooking style
                        My desire to gross out people
Did I mention the time that summer
I tore off my big toenail
With the front door jam
And I saved it for my grandma
In a little ring box
Like some psychotic engagement ring?

The house was excitement and adventure
One day after another
Shortly after moving in
We were welcomed by a total eclipse
I think it meant we were to remember
And to make memories
And I collected as many as I could
From Doberman pinschers
To six foot tall model rockets
To sleeping in the back of a pick-up
Watching the glow of the big city lights

On the ever present clouds over Portland

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