Friday, December 13, 2013

POEM - The 1972 Incident (Jean Piaget Remix)

There are years
Sprinkled throughout history
That I care about
Deeply and significantly
There are others
Almost completely off my radar
Case in point
Other than my eventual fascination
With a girl born in that year
I have little attachment to 1972

I was alive I am assured
And a year old for most of it
I know where I lived
But only circumstantially
My first hand recollection
Nearly as soon as it happened

So I am dubious  
I wonder at times
What I was put through
What indecency I endured
That caused me to block so much

In later years
I knew my parents
To be upstanding people
Pleasant and well behaved
But those first few years
I think they might have been
In some horrifying way
And who they were later
Just show they put on
Once I started asking questions

I’ve been kept in the dark
I must have been
Because I simply don't remember
Those precious formative years
I really can't even be sure
These are my actual parents
Maybe they are just kid collectors
Picking off innocents
That looked eerily similar
And then told us all
We were a family

That would make sense
Sounds like just the thing
The type of person
Who would force a baby
To forget their memories
Would probably do

We'll now I'm all worked up
Thanks mom and dad
For making 1972
Such a traumatic year
I won’t forget it ...

This time!

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