Wednesday, December 04, 2013

POEM - The Travesties of Travel

I’ve lost my taste for vacations
I mean the big ones
The whole family
Making the big trip type

It is fate that has thwarted me
Because every time
We go on a really big trip
There’s a disaster
Of some sort or another
So I’ve sworn off everything
More elaborate than a day trip
And even those make me nervous

Don’t you remember
That trip to Long Beach
For our tenth anniversary
Blew out the transmission
Somewhere around Banning
Drove the last hundred miles
Stuck in second gear
Luckily it was mostly rush hour
The car shop new us right away
Because of our stinky transmission
We burned up to get there

So we gave it a few years
Tried Thanksgiving in Utah
Even took along the neighbor kid
To see if our luck would change
Made it almost to Flagstaff
Before the rear differential
Nearly dropped out of the van
A rental car and a round trip later
And then 160 miles home
At 40 miles an hour
And don’t forget
Being pulled over in Phoenix
When we finally hit surface streets
And thought we were at the easy part

So a few more years
And we tried again
South Carolina to Arizona
Everyone on an airplane
We weren’t even driving
But the fates got us anyway
The dog got out of the house
Picked a fight
And got torn to shreds
Clung on to just enough life
That we had to have the surgery
So we left him with the Vet
And rolled our eyes
Both of us swearing
No more big trips
We just can’t handle the fun

That our vacations seem to bring

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