Monday, December 16, 2013

POEM - Corvallis, Oregon Nineteen-Seventy-Five

The old house
On the tree shaded street
Was a more vivid home
Not one of a legion
Of identical dwelling boxes
But one of a special kind
That had its own features
Unlike all the others

It is the singularity that draws it
Out into the forefront
Ingrained brightly in memory
Perhaps it was the summer sun
That welcomed our arrival
Or the pungent berry bushes
Resplendent in deepest green
Hiding the bumpy black gems
Maybe it was all of it

It was short lived
A place to get our feet wet
Along with everything else
In the small Oregon town
And I am told it rained often
But I recall only sunny days
And amber tinged afternoons
In that quaint ancient hovel

As soon as student housing opened
We landed in apartment life
Once more in similar boxes
But it was still more variant
Than the hive I was born from
Flown free from that beehive state
Ready to muck about
In the emerald colored cities

Among the ducks and beavers

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