Monday, December 23, 2013

POEM - Life in Mesa: 1981

The life in Mesa was different
I had never considered
That a desert was a place
That people would think of
As a place they would live

But there was plenty of evidence
From the large swaths of cleared land
To the half constructed houses
Dotting the empty dirt fields
On every side of our neighborhood

I liked it because it was fun
To run through the stark hills
And play on the bulldozers
Earth movers and backhoes
The smell of grease and diesel
Like an inviting and alluring sent

That year I watched intently
As the space shuttle shot up
Straight into space
Only to miraculously return
Three days latter
Knowing that interstellar flight
Must be just around the corner

But I didn’t waste a lot of time on that
Mostly I beg for a quarter
So I could go to the public pool
Or a dollar on special days
So I could ride up to the Circle K
Get a slushy drink or two
Then casually ride home
Sipping the frozen confection
As a protection
From the warm breezes of summer

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