Thursday, December 26, 2013

POEM - 1983 Old Pueblo Style

Too soon
On the move
Dad got transferred
To the Old Pueblo
I was reticent
My previous experience
Had included a long drive
At night to some old college friends
They lived on or close to the airbase
And had ended in a trip to the movies
To see Xanadu
Not my favorite road trip

In day light it was different
And the lazy summer days
Poolside at the La Quinta
While we looked for a home
Were almost exotic

And Tucson was charming
Which is a nice talk for old
Tucson is an old place
My dad’s new office
Was in an historic home
In an historic neighborhood

We ended up in the foothills
On the West side of the city
Where the roads were built
To replicate a rollercoaster ride
Whenever and wherever possible
Which made the drive
Always a little interesting

But the new house was cool
A custom built number
We were living a new life
A little further up in the world
Almost upper-middle middle class

That didn’t change the fact
I was starting another new school
And I was self-conscious and nerdy
And my whole life was about to change
Because teenage years are relentless
And Tucson has its lessons to teach
And its ghosts to set free
From the barrio to the desert
4th Avenue to Mount Lemon

And each bumpy twisting road between

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